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Arktikum gives you a different view of the Arctic region
and the peoples who live here

The beauty of Arktikum

Arktikum Lapland The Arktikum in Rovaniemi in Finnish Lapland is a reknowned science centre, a museum, a unique architectural sight and a meeting and conference centre.

The Arktikum was designed by the Danish architects Birch-Bonderup & Thorup-Waade. The crescent-shaped new building was designed by Bonderup and Lehtipalo and it was completed in the autumn 1997.

As you approach the museum, you'll see a 172 metres long glass tube. This tube is dissected by the 30-metre wide Kittilä highway. The tube serves as the "Gateway to the North", as you get into the building at the southern end and move northward inside. The exhibition space is all sheltered below the ground, imitating the way that the Lapland nature is covered by snow during the cold winter.
Photo: Arktikum/Timo Lindholm

The building materials are from the area. They used natural materials in the building. Floors are made from Perttaus granite, the hardest type available in Finland, and from lime-washed Lappland pine. The chairs are made from birch and reindeer hide.

Discover Lapland

This is a good place to start if you want to discover that Lapland means more than just Santa Claus and reindeers and wilderness.

You'll discover the Lapp culture and other Arctic cultures as well.

Lapland's World War II history is interesting and gives you new perspectives on the war that raged across the whole of Europe.

Here you'll find an exhibition about the immediate effects of climate change in the Arctic. They even have a specially designed ice box where you can experience a true Arctic chill.

Here you can experience a story about the peoples of the Arctic region or Circumpolar region (not only Lapland), about their traditional and modern way of life, their culture and history. You'll learn about Arctic animals as well.

It is easy to find the Arktikum if you use this map.

Where the Reindeer Roam

One People Living In Four Nations

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